Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Jake at 3 years 9 months

I always think it's funny when adults talk about how old their kids are in the same way kids do. That half a year or even the extra month is so important we specifically mention it. I suppose when kids are so young the increments are all the more significant but when someone asks me how old Jake is, I'll say 4 in September or 3 and a half, yet I'm 36 not 36 and one week (since you ask). Anyway, the reason the post is called '3 years 9 months' is for anyone who's just turned up here after recently receiving a diagnosis of a cleft or who's just had a baby with a cleft. I remember when that was us (which genuinely seems like 5 minutes ago), I wanted pictures and context. It's pretty difficult to get that context of how your unborn or brand new baby will look at 3 years and 9 months. The fact is that the cleft affects us so little these days, to the point where you have to force yourself to consider it separately and it's easy to forget how much of an issue it seemed at the time. So, for anyone new here's a few photos to show you the transition. I hope you don't look at Jake now and see only a cleft repair, but I understand if you do as you've never seen him before and after all, you're here as you just got some news. I understand that as much as I know that in a while (not as much as 3 years 9 months), you too won't see or be affected by the cleft related issue which has lead you here! Take care everyone, have a great Tuesday. James


Unknown said...


Your blog was very helpful when we got the news of a cleft last fall and took the internet for information. Our Adela is now 15 weeks old and has her lip repair behind her. Palate to come around April 2013.

Jake looks great!

All the best.

James Fernie said...

Thanks for your kind words Matej, the comments I get are why I still write this thing! I'm glad your daughter is through the lip operation, that's the hardest one for us parents I think. Good luck with the next one, you'll be through it before you know it. All the best too


F.L. said...

Looks like a beautiful little boy, and very happy family.

I think this is an excellent blog that can help many families.
Well done James!

HandsomeCleft said...

I loved seeing this post! As someone new coming to your blog, I couldn't even notice the cleft in the most recent pictures! But it was so nice to see what he's come from, and what he is now. I loved it. Sometimes I forget how big my little boys Cleft was, but I love looking back at the pictures, I miss his smile so much :) You have a beautiful family!