Saturday, 31 May 2008

Baby Pics

Here's a few pictures from the various scans we've had. The 3D ones are not very clear and there's loads of distortion, but the consultant managed to get a reasonable view of the cleft and area imediately above it. Where the nose looks deformed that's just more disortion unless our baby has the biggest nose of all time! Clefts don't actually affect the nose even though they look as though they do. The nose is actually always perfectly formed but where the lip line is broken the forces of the face splay one of the nostrils. When the lip is repaired the nose returns to normal. Clever eh?!

Here's the first scan. This was taken from the left which is why the cleft cannot be seen.

Here's a couple from the most recent 3D scan. The right side of this picture starts to distort at the nose but the cleft is pretty visible.
Chillin' like Dad!


Ben said...

If eyes were made for seeing, then beauty is its own excuse for being.

Emmerson 1867

Awesome pictures guys. You certainly get a sense that he/she (I think it's a 'he') doesn't have a care in the world and is super chilled! xx

Ben said...

If eyes were made for seeing, then beauty is its own excuse for being.

Emmerson 1867

Awesome pictures guys. You certainly get a sense that he/she (I think it's a 'he') doesn't have a care in the world and is super chilled! xx